Friday, December 26, 2008


This is my first pic of the master pice of the land scape

Friday, December 19, 2008


thios eagle nice or not??

hehe....actualy the finish wan is on top lah!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Teacher is this chick nice, I copy from the wab, please leave your command^_^

Teacher, I wan to ask is this painting loss its concentration.

please leave your command tq^(oo)^

Teacher this is my work^_^

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Today I find out that there is meaningless to me because I am playing for whole day long. There was fraces cald the poor player the waking shadow and this is the fraces to discribe how a man signifiying nothing in his life. Know I finally know that the recorded time that is given to everyone of use is not that much, is not like a waterfall and river that flows for a long time.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

look a like wit me

Yesterday, a friend of mine thought me that the girl and me was so look a like. if I can get her photo, I will post it with my picture.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

the discovery of a memory

The day that I was walking on a cooling streets who can hear the sound of the neadle hitting on the ground.I had recall back the time that a war going on on this street and now there is no sences of peace on this road.
Until I reach an old, dusty bar. I an sitting on a wooden round chair waiting my white whisky. I had see through the alcaholon remembered the sour,colouress andsad tears that I drop from my eyes for that black-roasted dead body.
The warm outside the bar con not stop the snow from droping from the sky. The snow drop on my black coat and melt into water. The snow rain transform in to snow storm within a few minutes. I was lost in the snow , until I found shelter from a good people in the snow.
They were good on with worm. I looked into the snow and the wormness under the roof. I had discovered that if ther is warmness, there is now cold present and if theris cold, there will newer be wormness. Now I finally understand why there is snow on the street ond ther is hot in this house.
After the storm, I went on my foot vacotion until I need rest on the ston chair in the garden. The foot pint on the snow of mine had imprested me.
After a long time of thingking, I had decided to use my leg to walk back home to find the "warm".

Sunday, July 13, 2008

About Me

This is my picture when I was in Hong K ong in the Ocean Park. I was siting an the chair in the KFC

Welcome to Yong's blog

Hello there, welcome to my blog. My name is Yong Cherng Liin